Temple of Good Will a universal place of devotion

The monument dedicated to Peace is the most visited place in the Brazilian capital. It was elected by popular vote one of the Seven Wonders of the city. Visit the TGW at Quadra 915 Sul ― Brasília/DF. Telephone: +55 (61) 3114-1070

Good Will Ecumenical Complex, in Brasília/DF, Brazil.

Regardless of their belief, ethnicity, or philosophy, pilgrims from all over the world define the Temple of Good Will (TGW), in the capital city of Brazil, as a sacred place where they can express their Faith. Because the monument is a neutral field for religious manifestations, those who visit it have naturally adopted solemn practices in its environments, exercising the principle of brotherhood in reverence for the Creator.

Going on pilgrimage to the TGW, the Temple of Peace, at least once a year is a tradition of devotion of thousands of people from Brazil and across the world. This principle of Accomplishing Faith made the Pyramid of the Blessed Souls, the Pyramid of the Luminous Spirits, the most visited monument in Brasília according to official data from the Secretariat of Sports, Tourism, and Leisure of the Federal District (SETUL-DF).

Jesus and the Sense of Religiosity at the TGW

Guided by restrict earthly religious concepts, a Samaritan woman asked the Divine Master where she should pray (The Gospel according to John 4:1 to 30). Jesus not only answered her, but also explained the importance of inner Peace and constant balance for those who wish to experience divine plenitude: “Time will come when God will no longer be worshiped in stone temples made by the hand of man.” The Christ of God also indicated His noble teachings as a safe road map to the enlightenment of the Soul: “Whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to Eternal Life.” 

In the chapter “With Regard to the Temples and the Worship of God,” found in the book Sagradas Diretrizes Espirituais da Religião de Deus, do Cristo e do Espírito Santo [Sacred Spiritual Guidelines of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit], Volume 1, pp. 277 and 278, the builder of the Temple of the Divine Ecumenism, José de Paiva Netto, explains the Spiritual Rebirth, the deep understanding of religiosity that the Temple of Peace proposes to the world:


“God’s preferred altar for worshiping Him is the human heart and mind”

“God’s preferred altar for worshiping Him is the human heart and mind. There is no contempt here for those who venerate their temples for worshiping the Almighty. Otherwise, why would we have built the Temple of Good Will? Although, the Temple of Good Will fulfils this historic function in the world: to shelter with solidarity in its bosom God’s sheep, exhausted from separatism and eager to establish on Earth the Unrestricted Ecumenism, the Total Ecumenism, the Ecumenism of the Hearts, and the Divine Ecumenism, as I wrote in ‘The Four Pillars of Ecumenism. This is a complete renewal of the religious, philosophical, political, scientific, economic, artistic, and even sporting spirit in the world; a true Spiritual Rebirth. The TGW inaugurates the Kingdom of God’s Love on Earth for all people, whether religious or atheistic . . . It is the clarion call to a better world, which is already coming. It is not the promise of just any being, but of Christ Himself. It is the experience of the true sense of Religion, as Jesus has always wanted it. That is why, even before I inaugurated it, I announced that the Temple of Good Will is the Spiritual Headquarters of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit.






Av. Marechal Floriano, 114 • Centro • Rio de Janeiro/RJ20080-002

+55 11 97259-8449

