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With 41 years of history, the JESUS IS ARRIVING! magazine is now published in three languages: Portuguese, Spanish, and English. It brings to their readers a content of Ecumenical Spirituality aiming to awaken the Souls for God’s Good Will from the universal teachings of Christ.

The Ecumenical magazine of the Religion of the Third Millennium was created by the radio broadcaster, journalist, writer, and poet José de Paiva Netto. JESUS IS ARRIVING! Was the name chosen because it is the third of the Four Initial Phases of the Notable Preaching of the Divine Religion – a period that began on January 22, 1982, in a memorable meeting commanded by the President-Preacher of the Religion of Universal Love at the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

These phases are steps of doctrinal development. It was announced by the late Proclaimer of the Religion of the New Commandment, Alziro Zarur (1914-1979), and gathered by Paiva Netto. They are:

1ª) Jesus is Calling! (1957-1967)

2ª) Jesus is Returning! (1967-1982)

3ª) Jesus is Arriving! (1982-       )

4ª) Jesus Arrived!

Secretary for almost a quarter of a century and faithful friend of Zarur, Paiva Netto took over the Presidency of the Institutions of Good Will after the disincarnating of the Founder of LGW, in 1979, and gave continuity to the doctrinal-spiritual planning that had already been traced, expanding the message of Ecumenical Spirituality to the world through radio, TV, internet, and publications in several languages.


JESUS IS ARRIVING! magazine: product of the new phase

To raise awareness of the spiritual reality — that brings to hearts the Hope of a better world, from the perseverance on Good — the journalist Paiva Netto launched the first issue of the JESUS IS ARRIVING! magazine in Portuguese on February 27, 1982, during an important Legionnaire convention at Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. The publication not only marked the beginning of the third step of the doctrinal development of the Religion of the Third Millennium, but it would become, shortly thereafter, one of the most important channels of the 100% Jesus Communications (radio, TV, internet, and publications).

Writer Paiva Netto brings in the magazine the fraternal explanation — in Spirit and Truth, under the light of the New Commandment — of the Gospel-Apocalypse of the Celestial Educator in his articles published in every issue.

Another important aspect of the work of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit is the presentation of the Superior Spiritual World to the material world. This event is guided by the World Revolution of the Spirits of Light and it has its repercussions in the JESUS IS ARRIVING! magazine that publishes messages from outstanding Brothers from the Superior Spirituality, such as Dr. Bezerra de Menezes and Brother Flexa Dourada.

Ecumenical content in permanent expansion

In 41 years of history, the Ecumenical Magazine of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit continues to grow. Its ecumenical content reaches more and more people all over the world.

In 2009 it began its expansion to Latin America and countries that speak Spanish with the ¡JESÚS ESTÁ LLEGANDO!.

Since 2010 the published Editions of the magazine are accessible across the whole planet through the internet. The Portuguese website was created and available for computers, tablets, and phones. You can like and share this content with friends on social media, spreading the good news that strengthens the Soul.

In 2018 another Victory: the launching of the first issue of the JESUS IS ARRIVING!, the English version of the magazine, expanding the Ideal of Good Will to the American people and several countries that speak English.





Av. Marechal Floriano, 114 • Centro • Rio de Janeiro/RJ20080-002

+55 11 97259-8449
