Life Beyond Life

“The Spiritual World is not an abstraction. It is invisible, but it exists,”
affirms José de Paiva Netto, President-Preacher of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit.

In many areas of human knowledge, we find extensive and compelling evidence on this topic.

From the Invisible World to the Big Screen

Scene from the movie Ghost, a box office success in the 1990s.

The famous movie Ghost (Jerry Zucker, 1990) tells the romantic story of Molly (Demi Moore) and Sam (Patrick Swayze, 1952-2009). In the story he is murdered but she can still feel his presence for some time until his Spirit finally goes to its new home in Heaven, Paradise, the Spiritual World, the Ethereal, or any other name used to talk about the same place. The film also stars the medium Oda Mae (Whoopi Goldberg). In addition to being a box office success, Ghost was nominated for five Academy Awards, winning two of them.

But the topic of Spirituality is not something new in Hollywood. Somewhere in Time (Jeannot Szwarc, 1980) was one of the first movies in this category. Between the 20th and 21st centuries, this segment gained strength and popularity with What Dreams May Come (Vincent Ward, 1998), the touching Dragonfly (Tom Shadyac, 2002), and the bold representation of reincarnation in Yesterday’s Children (Marcus Cole, 2000), a novel based on true events of Jenny Cockell’s life.


Spiritual Life According to Several Beliefs

Sir William Crookes

Although it is usually associated with Religion, spiritual life is always a recurrent subject in eastern and western cultures.

Millennia ago, Egyptians already believed in life after death with their ancient rituals. Hindus celebrate their avatars in the development of a universal consciousness. Catholics pray to saints. Protestants also praise the other side of existence addressing the stories of Angels as registered in the Holy Bible. Jews, Buddhists, and so many other people from different religious creeds have, at some point, made reference to something different from what the physical sense calls real. All of this sustained by Faith.

A curious passage from the Holy Scriptures reveals the relationship with the metaphysical world. Even though King Saul forbade the communication with the “dead,” he overruled this in order to benefit during a battle against the Philistines by consulting the Spirit of the Prophet Samuel through a medium from the city of Endor (First Book of Samuel 28, in its entirety).

Jesus, the Ecumenical Christ, the Divine Statesman, in His first visible visit to the planet, already made it clear to us about the reality of the eternity of Life: “My Father’s House has many rooms; if that were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.” (The Gospel according to John 14:2)

Giza Pyramid Complex, in Egypt.


Temple of Good Will, in Brazil

Spiritual Revolution Conducted by the Divine Religion

Dr. Bezerra de Menezes (Spirit)

The conscious communication with the Higher Spiritual World has been taking place since the establishment of the Good Will Organizations. When our late Brother Alziro Zarur (1914-1979) founded the LGW on January 1, 1950, he promptly announced in 1953, in the press in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, that in the near future a great group of disincarnated beings who work in the service of Jesus would carry out what he called the World Revolution of Spirits. On January 6, 1992, José de Paiva Netto, Zarur’s successor and his former secretary for nearly a quarter of a century, began its practical activities when, in the media of the Divine Religion (radio, TV, the Internet, and publications), he started broadcasting the messages of disincarnated Brothers and Sisters, like Dr. Bezerra de Menezes (spiritual coordinator), Emmanuel, André Luiz, Meimei, and Flexa Dourada, who are active in this great ecumenical spiritual revolution. Their manifestations contribute to the spiritual educational purpose of the Religion of the Third Millennium.

Under the command of its President-Preacher, Brother José de Paiva Netto, the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit is a permanent “School of Spiritual Initiation with open doors.” What is taught is never lost, but renewed; and it illuminates successive generations. With this understanding in mind, we present on the following pages of the magazine JESUS IS ARRIVING! an important message from Brother Dr. Bezerra de Menezes, by way of the psychophony of the Legionnaire Medium, Chico Periotto, from February 23, 2002 (Saturday), in the Ecumenical Church of the Religion of the Third Millennium in São Paulo, Brazil. Enjoy your reading!

Dr. Bezerra de Menezes (Spirit) writes: Spiritual Safety in Troubled Times


Infallible Safety

1) The Spirits of God bring safety, legitimate safety, which is rooted in the heart of Our Heavenly Father.

2) We pray that our dear Brothers realize just how great the role of the followers of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit is.

3) Poor Humanity that carelessly defies the hosts of Christ! Poor Humanity that, playing around, takes a long time to understand the magnanimous transformation that will visibly take place with great power and magnitude among those who govern and those who are governed everywhere.

4) Only with the safety that comes from a heart in tune with the bases of the Gospel and the Apocalypse of Jesus will they be able to survive the dreadful events that are still going to afflict the face of the Earth.

5) Blessed is the Divine Religion that does not keep quiet, that proclaims and speaks up about the paths that lead to true salvation, to the salvation of the Souls.

6) Dear Friends in Heaven and on Earth here present, maintaining discipline within the hierarchy that the Divine Master Jesus conceived is a task for those who are bright and full of goodness.

7) Let us be strong enough to build and pave the paths that surely lead to Jesus Christ, thus guaranteeing that we sow what we were destined to sow. 

8) The harvest is up to the Spirits who watch over the people and who will be in the front, fulfilling the Divine Mandate, the supreme mandate of choice.

9) Safety is born in the hearts truly dedicated to God. Whoever commits their Soul to the Creator will never ever feel insecure. Ever! Because they know that our material life will develop greatly with the eternal purpose of the paths of spiritual progression. 


Charity: The Essence of Life in Spirituality

10) When Legions descend from Spiritual Territories that are so far from our earthly planet, overcoming the barriers of very heavy lower spirit zones, and directly help those who encourage Goodness, those who ask for the blessings of Christ, we understand that Spiritual Charity is not just a valuable attribute but also the essence of life in the Spiritual World.

11) Charity is a vehicle that moves the Spirits in the distant celestial spaces. Without Charity, we could say that Christianity would not have the Divine Oxygen that makes it immortal.

12) Let us think about this. Let us ponder on the value of elucidatory Charity that the Religion of Universal Love, headed up by our Greater Brother Paiva Netto, brings to people’s hearts every day through Hertzian, television, or printed waves.

13) Everything is summed up in the Charity of the Spirit, which must be practiced, must be discussed, because the individual who loves and cooperates does not create division, does not hate, and does not act outside God’s limits. The Charity of the Spirit leads us to our own salvation.

14) Let us talk about safety, emphasizing the legitimate Charity, the one that builds with stones, bricks, and cement from Space the character of the Man-Spirit.


Prayer to Heaven

15) Our beloved Collaborators in Space join the powerful Chain of Faith and permanent Watchfulness for Peace, for the legitimate Peace and safety of human beings who are one with God.

16) I extend my love and gratitude to everyone, certain that we shall honor the efforts and we shall tread the musical scale on which the great universe is based.

17) Charitable Friends of the Spiritual World, may Jesus bless us all today and always! May we be the magnet permanently able to attract the most beautiful and important chords from the Higher Nature.

18) We pray to the Heavens that the forces that invade us be dignified in the blessed action of our thoughts, our words, and our actions; simultaneously to the warning from our Brother André Luiz (Spirit) on the Triple Harmony with Jesus*, which is deservedly and exhaustively disclosed by the warriors of the Religion of the Third Millennium. 

19) With pure Souls, let us elevate the words that rule us with the Divine Master: to serve.

20) And so may we serve our Greater Brother Paiva Netto in greatly conducting the progress of the incarnate Spirits to the higher purposes of spiritual evolution.

21) Let us transform our minds and our arms into the physical vessel of Jesus, our Lord.


* Triple Harmony with Jesus — As defined by the Religion of the Third Millennium, it is comprised of Good Thoughts, Good Words, and Good Actions.





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