The Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit Performs Baptism Ceremony of the LGW’s Little Soldiers of God

Mariana and Alexandru Tamasan (C) receive family and friends for Laura Isabel’s christening.

One of the spiritual ceremonies that the Religion of the Third Millennium performs is the baptism of children, also called LGW’s Little Soldiers of God. In this edition, we highlight this special moment in the life of Levi Nobre, son of Fabiana and Henrique Nobre, and Laura Isabel, daughter of Mariana and Alexandru Tamasan

Levi Nobre, with his parents Fabiana and Henrique Nobre

The Minister-Preacher of the Divine Religion Maria de Albuquerque carried out their baptism. Relatives and friends of both families attended the ceremony and received the JESUS IS ARRIVING! magazine, through which they learned more about the ecumenical activities of the Religion of Universal Love. Jesus, the Divine Master, introduced Himself to the material world as a child. It is important to instill ecumenical and spiritual values in children from an early age, for they will have a positive influence on their social and emotional development and growth as Spiritual Citizens.   


If you want to have your child baptized by the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, call (646) 398-7128.





Av. Marechal Floriano, 114 • Centro • Rio de Janeiro/RJ20080-002

+55 11 97259-8449
