Jesus walks on water

The LGW's Little Soldiers of God reads the passage "Jesus walks on water" from the Holy Gospel of Jesus and comments about it.

Jesus walks on water

Jesus Walks on Water

(Adaptation of the Gospel of the Christ of God according to Matthew 14:22 to 33)

The Divine Master asked His disciples to get into the boat and set sail to the other side of the sea towards Bethsaida. It was a blustery night.

When Jesus saw that His friends were having trouble with the big waves that almost overturned the boat, He went in their direction, walking on the sea. 

The disciples saw someone getting closer and suddenly were terrified, thinking they were seeing a ghost. 

The Christ of God said to them, “Do not be afraid! It is I!” 

The disciples recognized Jesus’ voice, and Apostle Peter said, “Master, if You are really the Lord, tell me to come to You on the water.”

“Come, Peter,” the Celestial Father told him. When Peter got out of the boat, he started walking on water towards the Lord of Peace, but because of the gusty winds, he felt afraid. He began to sink, and then cried out, “Lord, save me!” The Master of masters reached out His hand, caught Peter, and asked him, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?”

They finally climbed into the boat and the winds stopped. Moved by what had happened, the disciples told each other, “He truly is the Son of God!”


Comments from the Little Soldiers of God

Bryan and Adrian Fernandez, 12, with their mom, Sandra. North Arlington/New Jersey

When something bad happens, Jesus can help us. By walking on water He showed that no problem is bigger than His power.

Bryan Fernandez


When I am afraid of something, I think of Jesus helping Peter walking on water and then I am not afraid anymore, because if Jesus was able to stop Peter from drowning, He can do anything for us.

Adrian Fernandez





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