God is present! Jesus lives in our hearts forever

This is a greeting from the followers of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, which is a Christian and universalist religion based on the teachings of Jesus, the Divine Statesman. It advocates the banner of Ecumenism and the lessons that were brought by the Divine Master. Its followers are called Christians of the New Commandment of Jesus, as well as Friends of Jesus, Legionnaires of the Good Will of God, and Soldiers of God’s Peace on Earth. With this greeting we embrace you and your dear family.

In this and other literary works of the Fourth Revelation, you will come across the following names: Legion of Good Will (LGW) and Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit. Both were established by the late Alziro Zarur (1914-1979) and work together “for a better world and a happier Humanity.” These Organizations are unrestrictedly ecumenical and join their efforts in order to meet the fundamental needs of human beings and their Eternal Spirit in a complete way. They transform the individuals without paternalism so they can assume their role as protagonists in finding solutions to the problems that exist in society. Their goal is to enable human beings to achieve their potential through the powerful teachings of the Spirit (Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit) and the dynamic action of human and social reform (Legion of Good Will), which are a natural consequence of our integration with the divine precepts. Jesus said: “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, and all these material things [therefore human and social] will be given to you as well” (The Gospel of Christ according to Matthew 6:33). The Politics of God for the Eternal Spirit of human beings is born from the combination of these spiritual, human, and social actions. The Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit is also known as the Religion of the Third Millennium, the Religion of Universal Love, and the Divine Religion.

The JESUS IS ARRIVING! magazine is an initiative of the President-Preacher of the Divine Religion, José de Paiva Netto, who launched the first issue in Portuguese on February 27, 1982, in Campinas, in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. It is also part of the Good Will Media, which include radio and TV stations, websites, and several publications.

The Religion of the Third Millennium preaches Ecumenism in the original sense of the word, which comes from the Greek oikoumenikós and means “of all the inhabited earth,” or “of world scope or applicability; universal.” In this regard, Paiva Netto explains:

“When we speak of Ecumenism, we want to say Universalism, Fraternity without borders, international Solidarity, seen that we understand Humanity as a family. And there is not a single family in which all the children have the same behavior. Each one is an independent cosmos, which does not mean to say that these ‘celestial bodies’ have to collide with each other. It would be chaos.”

The Legion of Good Will, whose social and educational work is recognized internationally, is also based on the ideas of Spirituality and Ecumenism, which are the foundation of the Divine Religion. Learn more about its work on page 40.

In honor of the North American people, the Divine Religion chose this year’s Thanksgiving to launch the first and historical issue of the JESUS IS ARRIVING! magazine in English.

God is Present! Jesus Lives in our hearts forever!

The Editors





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