Letters published in the 2nd edition

A present to Mexico

During a visit to Brazil, Ines Hernandez and Marina Duarte, from Mexico, stayed at Oliveira de Miranda’s house. They said: “We loved this country. We‘re leaving here with so many good memories, and we are going back home with this copy of JESUS IS ARRIVING! that will bring us good material and spiritual energies.”

Ines Hernandez, Célia Oliveira de Miranda, and Marina Duarte


This content will certainly do me a lot of good. Jesus’ teachings are enriching. I will take this magazine with me back to London, where I’m currently living.

Lynette Barreto d’Souza

London, England


I’m honored to have you all as partners in this mission to raise people’s awareness of the work of Christ’s Love. Congratulations!

David Sundaram – Arizona, USA


We are all Love

The emphasis on the only and truly enlightenment is summed up in these words: EVERYTHING is Love! We should all love one another, as we are told in the Spiritually Revolutionary Supreme Order of the Divine Master. In this way, we can bring more Light to humanity, showing that God is not a vengeful being created by humankind, but that He’s a God of Love.

Austine Choker Ivy – Lagos, Nigeria

The universalist doctrine of the Divine Religion

Eran Mani and David Kamber, from Israel, received the ecumenical magazine of the Divine Religion during their visit to Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) from the hands of the volunteers Letícia Figueiredo and Luiz Fernando Ribeiro. Eran thanked them for the copy and said: “That’s very interesting. We’ll definitely read it.” Regarding the  mission of the Religion of the Third Millennium expressed in its universalist doctrine, David pointed out: “We must unite to bring about Peace in the world. That’s what we should do.”


A great path for Peace

Tom Raffel, from Denmark, received the first issue of the JESUS IS ARRIVING! magazine from his Brazilian friend Luis Fernando and said: “I hadn’t had contact with this kind of spiritual content before. I’ll read it without rush because this concept of Ecumenism is very pleasant and seems to be a great path for Peace.” The volunteer of the magazine, Luiz Fernando, stated: “It is a great joy to bring the Holy doctrine of the Divine Religion to people’s hearts. I’m proud to send Tom these publications in English. Speaking about the Ecumenical Christ makes hearts open up to understanding what He brought to us: His magnificent Fraternal Love. I thank Brother Paiva for this opportunity to introduce to hearts the most important magazine on this planet, for this spiritual publication talks about the Triumphant Return of Jesus, the biggest news of all times.”


Opportunity for the American people

I am very proud to have the first issue of the JESUS IS ARRIVING! magazine. I’ve been waiting to have an English magazine of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit. And now I can read these beautiful messages of Peace and Ecumenism and share them with my family during our Ecumenical Meetings of the New Commandment of Jesus at Home. Thank you, Brother Paiva, for giving the opportunity to the American people of receiving your writings and the teachings of Christ.

Alexandru Tamasan – New Jersey, USA


The energy from the Temple of Good Will

I want to thank Brother Paiva for this huge monument built 31 years ago, which is the Temple of Good Will. I was there for its 25th anniversary celebrations and I felt such a good energy. It changed my life, made me put Complete Charity into practice even more seeing how good it is to do good for our fellow beings. I know for sure that anyone who visits the TGW will feel very welcomed as I felt.

Marco da Silva – New Jersey, USA


Spreading Jesus’ message in Amsterdam

The Christian of the New Commandment Nilza da Costa, from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, usually travels to Amsterdam, the Netherlands, to visit her daughter. Since she is a volunteer of the JESUS IS ARRIVING! magazine, Nilza visits her friends in the city and hands out the publication. In her latest trip, she went to the home of Gerda Swart, who, after receiving a copy of the magazine, said, moved: “I spent some years in Brazil and I got to know the fraternal doctrine of the Divine Religion. After returning to the Netherlands, I still keep my heart connected with Goodness and I thank God for Nilza bringing these publications of Brother Paiva. They are the best thing in the world.”

Nilza talks about her experience: “I feel very happy. I’d like to do a lot more, but the little I do is from the heart. Here in the Netherlands, whenever I can, starting at the airport, going through malls and friends’ houses, I leave a copy of the magazine. That is a great spiritual pleasure for me. I know that the work of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit is to unite people, nations, around the Fraternal Love of Jesus, who said: ‘Love one another as I have loved you. Only by this shall all of you be recognized as my disciples.’” (The Holy Gospel of the Divine Master according to John 13:34 and 35)


Nilza da Costa – Amsterdam, the Netherland

A magazine that educates

I thank the Divine Religion for sending the JESUS ​​IS ARRIVING! magazine.

I’ve known this work for a very long time. And, as I received this copy, I’ll have the joy of reading about topics of spiritual nature, which are so good for all of us.

Thank you!

Paulo Matheus de Sousa Lima – Nova Scotia, Canada


Lessons about Spiritual Life

I love this magazine. I like to read it because there are many lessons about Spiritual Life; it teaches you a lot. I also loved to get to know the Temple of Good Will; what a beautiful place! I’m very happy about receiving this magazine and I would like to thank Brother Paiva Netto for the opportunity to have this magazine in English.

Leonor Valderama, New Jersey, USA

Interfaith and Civil Rights

Following all safety protocols of the new coronavirus pandemic, a youth group of Christians of the New Commandment of Jesus from New Jersey visited the Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist Church, in Montgomery, Alabama, to learn more about this National Historic Landmark, where Dr. Martin Luther King Jr (1929-1968) advanced important acts for the Civil Rights Movement. 

The church’s director of tourism, Wanda Battle, welcomed the visitors at the location and kindly shared details regarding the first large-scale U.S. demonstration against racial segregation. In appreciation for her teachings, our youth group presented her with a copy of the JESUS IS ARRIVING! magazine, about which, Mrs. Battle, commented: “It is my belief that the common thread of religious diversity is Love. ‘God is Love.’ Denominational practices and rituals are associated with cultures, however, the connection of heart and soul is what unites us all. We must all choose to be vessels of Love and Light. Love is a lifestyle!”

In the spirit of interfaith dialogue and fraternity, it is worth recalling an excerpt from the article “The Sense of Religion,” in which Paiva Netto cites a strong quote from the charismatic leader Dr. King: “There are some people who refer to the religious spirit, enhancing pathological detours that occurred in the past millennia. (I don’t include in this comment the historians and analysts of good sense). I believe that this period is over, as the reasons for us to fraternize are greater than those that incite resentment. Hatred is a weapon aimed at the beholder. The warning of Pastor Martin Luther King (1929-1968), who didn’t deny his own life to defend his ideals, is very appropriate: ‘We learn to fly like the birds and swim like the fish, but not the art to live together as brothers.’

Sisters at Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist Church with the JESUS IS ARRIVING! magazine. From left to right: Valerie Smedley and Valda Harris, PhD, and the writer of Just a Neighbor: A Child’s Memoir of the Civil Rights Movement. In the larger photo: sister Wanda Battle in the altar where Dr. Martin Luther King Jr preached during church services led by him.


TGW: Brazil’s Contribution to Peace

The TGW is celebrating its anniversary once again! Let me greet the esteemed Mr. Paiva Netto and all those attending this ecumenical celebration.

In the words of Paiva Netto, the Temple of Good Will is Brazil’s contribution to Peace. For over 30 years, it has been for me the sunshine that brought to us, Romanians, a ray of Hope of liberation from a terrible regime that is now extinct. Like a shining star, I heard about the inauguration of the TGW [to take place] on October 21, 1989, and shortly after, on December 21 of that same year, a profound change occurred within our Souls [with the Romanian Revolution]. So God and rays from the [TGW’s] Sacred Crystal, in Brazil, helped me and all of us in Romania.

I’m very happy that we can now celebrate this date together. I can be with you, participants [in the anniversary celebrations of the Temple of Peace], from a distance, yet close in Faith, Hope, Love, and Peace, which is what I wish to all of you!


Jolanda Joszi

President of the International Esperanto Association for Culture and Tourism

Brasov, Romania





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