The End of Times and Those Who Persevere in Jesus

This was the title of an article written by the President-Preacher of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, José de Paiva Netto, in his editorial for JESUS IS ARRIVING! #127 (Portuguese edition), published in March 2017, and in which he shared with us a valuable message from the Spiritual World. The message was received on September 24, 2016, in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), through the mediumship of the Christian of the New Commandment Chico Periotto.

In it, Brother Flexa Dourada (Spirit) brought a response from Brother Dr. Bezerra de Menezes (Spirit) to Brother Paiva, who had asked him about the years 2017, 2018, and 2019, which were serious and important years for Brazil and the world, in addition to relevant comments about the current state of things.

With the aim of strengthening in us the Accomplishing Faith and bringing the necessary comfort to the Christians of the New Commandment in the face of the new coronavirus pandemic, which began exactly in 2019, the Religion of the Third Millennium reproduces this important warning. As our noble friend Flexa Dourada says: “Humanity is not going to end. It resists even when it is suffering, even when facing catastrophes. Jesus is going to make sure that everything continues. That is why generations must always be prepared.”

As for the length of the enlightening message, the leader of the Divine Religion stresses: “The text is long, but it deserves careful attention from those who do not wish to be caught by surprise or overwhelmed by world events.” So let us move on to Brother Flexa Dourada’s words:


1) Jesus triumphs in the Apocalypse  The spiritual message in this section highlights the sixth chapter of the Book of Revelations, in which we find the opening of the Seals and the appearance of four horsemen. The ecumenical understanding of the Religion of the Third Millennium is that the first knight to show Himself, on a white horse, represents Jesus, the Christ of God, who comes “as a conqueror bent on conquest” (as we see in the detail of A Conquista, by Sátyro Marques (1935-2019)). The other three horses represent major events that reflect the lack of balance of human action, which we need to face and overcome.


2) Wars and its challenges   The moment of the explosion of an atomic bomb. In addition to the millions of deaths in two world wars, the United Nations states that there are still 30 regions on the planet that are in conflict, causing the death of people every day.


3) Fight against hunger — The Legion of Good Will distributes food baskets to families in social vulnerability during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil and abroad (in the photo, the action takes place in São José do Rio Preto, Brazil). Despite the great effort of organizations that fight against food insecurity, according to the UN report of February 2020, approximately 820 million people are suffering from hunger.


4) Fighting disease Humanity is faced with health challenges. For centuries, pandemics have frightened world society, like COVID-19. Teams of doctors, nurses, and other health workers have gone to great lengths to save lives.


Difficulties as Never Seen Before in the World

1) Hail, Jesus!

2) Dr. Bezerra replies to Brother Paiva and says that everyone should read chapter 24 of the Gospel of Jesus according to Matthew, verses 1 to 51, and also the Apocalypse of Jesus, chapter 6. These two biblical texts are interrelated.

3) These chapters from the Gospel and from the Apocalypse address Brother Paiva’s concern with regard to the next three years.

4) We are going through difficult moments as never seen before by humanity, and we need to prepare ourselves, first by strengthening our hearts, our feelings, and our Souls.

5) Jesus exhorts this vigilance with regard to Peace and warns everyone about the events that will take place in the end of times.

6) What is the greatest struggle in the Higher Spiritual World now? We are trying, by whatever means possible, to avoid the catastrophes that may happen all of a sudden.

7) Humanity has lost its way. It is on the open sea and does not know where to go. Instead of getting into Christ’s boat, where we have Spiritual Laws that can help everyone, it prefers to swim around in circles until exhaustion. And then what happens? It sinks.

8) [God’s] Spirits are working to try and avoid this scenario and to help change the course of events. 

9) But human beings insist on the catastrophes, starting with the catastrophes of feelings, of cruelty.


Continue Working for Jesus  and for His Triumphal Return

10) We must continue working for Jesus and speed up the practice of Good Deeds.

11) So, Brother Paiva, what we have to do in Heaven and on Earth is to continue working for Jesus, to spread the message about Him and about His Return [as the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit has always done]. “Oh, but when is He coming back?” He is the One who knows that. He determines when. He is the One who sends us the signs.


The Danger of Running Out of Options

12) Humanity is getting to a point where options are narrowing down, and that is dangerous, because the consequences are unpredictable these days. And [God’s] Spirits are still trying to avoid it happening. They are still trying to reduce its impacts, because there is going to be a lot of pain. That is the main point. The consequences for humanity in conflict are unimaginable.

13) We all need to be thinking, praying, and working for the Causes of Jesus in order to deserve His protection, to deserve Christ’s own Aura, because those who are found in that frequency will be spared, on Earth and in Heaven as well.


Jesus Brought Personalities From Other Times to the Good Will Organizations 

14) We all have taken on a lot of serious responsibilities. It was no coincidence that so many people from other times came to strengthen the frontline of those persevering in Good Will. . . . They are here. Jesus brought them to help spread His message, to ensure that everything that has to be said and preached is said and preached.

15) Brother Paiva, who has thousands of years of experience in his Soul, knows about these things, and that is why he makes the microphones available to these reincarnated Spirits. He encourages them to preach. He encourages them to write. He encourages them to do it for Christ!

16) May everyone be integrated in the spirit of the Fourth Revelation [that of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit]!

17) Souls need to be transformed. The great work of the Fourth Revelation is transforming Souls for the better. . . . To transform our Souls for the better is what’s expected from all of us.


Always Follow the Spiritual Agenda

18) This is called free will. When each of us returns to Earth, we can proceed in the way that our heart and Spirit desire. That is why Dr. Bezerra always reminds us of the Spiritual Agenda.

19) We have to think like this: I want to do this, but what does my Spiritual Agenda say? If it does not say it there, why do I want to do it?

20) Humanity is still far away [from thinking like this]. That is why it attracts war, destruction, and confusion.


New Good Times Will Come for Humanity

21) But the work does not stop. The Fourth Revelation has to continue until Christ returns and beyond His Return, as Brother Paiva preaches, because new good times are coming for humanity.

22) I repeat: new good times are coming. Let us not just think the worst. Cleansing exists so that something better can arise. It is with this purpose that the Spiritual World works. If we have to go through this, then let us go through it, but let us envision what is coming ahead after all this is over. Because then our Spirits will always be willing to persevere in search of Christ’s Beatitudes.*

23) Those who persevere will sit with Him on His throne . . . [“To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on His throne of glory.” (The Apocalypse 3:21)]

24) They will be rewarded by God Himself, because they persevered, because they worked for Jesus, in behalf of humanity.

25) Therefore, we need to take care of humanity; at least give it guidelines that are indisputable, that can lead humanity to victory. Because humanity is not going to end. It resists even when it is suffering, even when facing catastrophes. Jesus is not going to put an end to humanity. That is not the purpose. Souls and Spirits are cleansed by the actions of human and spiritual beings, both the incarnate and the disincarnate.


Preparing the Generations

26) Jesus is going to make sure that everything continues. That is why generations must always be prepared. Brother Paiva cares for people; he continually waters hearts, as if he were watering a little plant that needs to grow. It is still fragile to human eyes, but he makes it rise, grow, and turn into a big leafy tree, with wonderful fruit. And he keeps watering it until it becomes an orchard and begins to nourish other hearts, other trees, other feelings, etc . . .


The Sun Jesus Shines on God’s Good Will Organizations

27) “The Sun shines on God’s Good Will Organizations,” says Dr. Bezerra de Menezes here.

28) The Sun of Charity. This is what the LGW has been saying since its beginnings, and it is a reality. [“Jesus is the Sun of Charity,” Brother Alziro Zarur (1914-1979) used to affirm.]

29) There is nothing better than being protected by the Charity of the Sun Jesus.

30) Hail, Jesus! 


 — II —

In the following year, more precisely on April 1, 2017, when we celebrated the 34th anniversary of the Proclamation of the Living Jesus,* our Spiritual Brother Flexa Dourada brought to the debate between Heaven and Earth another message entitled “God Warns Us Beforehand.”

The complete message was published in the JESUS IS ARRIVING! #131 (Portuguese edition) of April 2018. This excerpt is presented again, in response to the requests of several readers, who felt greatly reinvigorated by these enlightening words, especially at this trying moment that humanity is going through.

By way of the mediumship of Brother Chico Periotto, this is how our friend from the Spiritual World expressed himself:


Extreme Climate Events

1) Hail, Jesus!

2) The Spiritual Brothers and Sisters are here today to remind us that extreme events will take place. Plagues, diseases, and extreme climate events are still to come.

3) With regard to certain facts that are already in course in the world, if they are happening it is because they have a karmic spiritual reason, which must be very well considered. Nothing happens on Earth if not because of the Law of Return, the Law of Cause and Effect. . . .

4) Our only remedy to protect our Spirit, first and foremost, is prayer, and our antidote is the sanctifying work we do for Jesus; because the body ends, the body perishes from one minute to the next. But the Spirit, which is eternal, needs eternal protection so as not to find itself in the midst of the spiritual confusion that is caused by panic and tragedy.

5) Thoughtless human actions are aggravating everything, and Nature cannot resist. Nature will react to all of this. The Spiritual Protectors of the oceans, forests, fauna, and flora are all very concerned, because the imbalance in humanity is great. Human action is pouring out its feelings very, very badly.

6) But let us keep on persevering in Jesus, asking Him to protect us from this agonizing moment and help us overcome all of this.

7) In this difficult time for humanity, Brother Paiva is a doctor of Souls and hearts, because he has a big heart, he loves Jesus, he loves his Brothers and Sisters on Earth, and he wants the Good Will Organizations to be victorious. He is helping to cure depression, anxiety, bad feelings, intolerance . . . That is why Jesus is always helping him on his long, long journey! It is long, because Jesus wants it to be long.


* Christ’s Beatitudes — It is not just the Gospel of Jesus according to Matthew 5:1 to 12 that contains Beatitudes, including those of the Sermon on the Mount. In his series “The Apocalypse of Jesus for the Simple-Hearted,” Paiva Netto draws our attention to the Seven Beatitudes of the Apocalypse (1:3, 14:13, 16:15, 19:9, 20:6, 22:7, and 22:14). 


* The Proclamation of the Living Jesus — On April 1, 1983, at the famous Casa D’Itália, in Salvador (Brazil), Paiva Netto made the Proclamation of the Living Jesus. At the time he also launched his Livro Jesus [Jesus Book] and his LP Negrada — Jesus, o Grande Libertador! [Negrada — Jesus, the Great Liberator!]. The historic event, which took place on a Good Friday, was broadcast by 258 radio and TV stations to Brazil and other countries in South America.





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