Temple of Good Will: The Sweet Home of the Spiritual and Human Family

After all His examples of Fraternity and lessons of Love without borders, it is considered that at the age of 33 Jesus, in His First Visible Visit to the planet, ratified His New Commandment for posterity: “Love one another, as I have loved you. Only by this shall all of you be recognized as my disciples” (Holy Gospel according to John 13:34 and 35). This was what the builder and founder of the Temple of Good Will, José de Paiva Netto, emphasized when celebrating this exactly-the-same mystical age of the TGW in 2022.
The Temple of Peace, in Brasília (Brazil), was built and inaugurated by Brother Paiva Netto on October 21, 1989, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the return of the Founder of the Legion of Good Will, Brother Alziro Zarur (1914-1979), to the Spiritual Homeland. The Temple of Divine Ecumenism, the Spiritual Headquarters of the Religion of the Third Millennium, welcomes pilgrims 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, regardless of their religious beliefs or lack of beliefs, social class, political affiliation, ethnicity, etc. Its mission is to ecumenically promote the integration of creatures into their Creator, uniting humanity on Earth with humanity in Heaven, in the permanent campaign for valuing the Eternal Spirit of human beings.
On Friday, October 21, 2022, thousands of pilgrims from all over the world, either in person or virtually, celebrated with Brother Paiva the anniversary of the TGW, which for many years has been pointed by the Secretariat of the Federal District of Brazil (SETUR-DF) as the most visited monument in Brasília, even though in recent years it has strictly followed the safety protocols for dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Brother Paiva speaking to the hearts of the pilgrims gathered at the TGW’s Nave, in 2004.

With its theme “TGW — A shelter for the feeling,” the festivities were broadcast throughout the day by the Communications 100% Jesus (radio, TV, and the Internet) and featured moments of prayer, studies by the Ecumenical Youth of God’s Good Will, tributes to Legionary families, a special program for the LGW’s Little Soldiers of God, and lots of Legionary music.
As traditionally happens, the most awaited moment of the celebrations was the solemn session with an ecumenical message from Brother Paiva, which was preceded by the Legionary Cantata The vision of the book sealed with the Seven Seals and of the Lamb of God, a spiritual reverence to chapter 5 of the Redeeming Apocalypse of Jesus.
We now joyfully transcribe the words of Brother Paiva, President-Preacher of the Religion of the Third Millennium. The message can also be seen on Paiva Netto’s YouTube channel:

Brother Paiva

My Friends, Brothers, and Sisters,

God Is Present!
Jesus Is Arriving!

Hail, the 33 years of the Temple of Good Will, the Pyramid of the Blessed Souls, the Pyramid of the Luminous Spirits, the Temple of Divine Ecumenism, which I built with the help of the people and founded in Brasília, Federal District, Brazil, on October 21, 1989.
Hail, Jesus, the Divine Liberator!
It is with great joy that we come together via the Communications 100% Jesus—which is technology at God’s service—to celebrate the mystical anniversary of the Temple of Peace on October 21, 2022. Thirty-three years is believed to be the age at which Our Master Jesus brought us the New Commandment, “Love one another, as I have loved you” (the Gospel according to John 13:34), during the famous Last Supper. And it is Christ’s Spirit that embraces the Temple of Good Will, the Spiritual Headquarters of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit.
With renewed enthusiasm, I am happy to present to you on this highly spiritually symbolic date the new edition of the book Jesus, o Libertador Divino¹ [Jesus, the Divine Liberator], which I have revised and expanded.
The world urgently needs to disarm hearts, and the Temple of Good Will conveys this longing of the multitudes, because as I always say, Ecumenism is the Universal Will to live in Peace.
My wish is that, along with Jesus, the Divine Liberator, we are all ready to overcome all the storms afflicting the Earth at this End of Times and to hasten the Glorious Return of Our Master to this planet. The Temple of Good Will is the sweet home of the Spiritual and Human Family, a shelter for humanity, a haven of Ecumenical Fraternity to protect us from adversities along the way. Christ leads us to victory!

Nave of the Temple of Peace

In the Temple of Good Will, the Temple of Peace, we have the unequivocal demonstration that experiencing the spirit of concord among nations is not utopia.
Christ came to Earth to bring us spiritual freedom. His Supreme Order, the Universal Love, is what frees our Souls. And we are already welcoming 2023, when we will be celebrating half a century—the Golden Jubilee—of the Proclamation of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, which our late Brother Alziro Zarur (1914-1979) made on October 7, 1973, in Maringá, Paraná, Brazil.
This is the Spiritual Guidelines for all of us in 2023: “Perseverance in Jesus and Accomplishing Faith in our permanent search for Peace.” Study and live by the Holy Doctrine of the Divine Religion even more.
In His Holy Gospel according to Mark 9:23, Christ said: “Everything is possible for one who believes.”
This is really an infallible statement by Jesus, the Divine Liberator, for those who long for victory on Earth and in the Spiritual World, enlightened by the Love of God.
I invite everyone to pray and raise your thoughts to the Heavenly Father.

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses, just as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory forever and ever.

Give us, Jesus, the Divine Peace You promised to those who live Your New Commandment in Brazil and abroad, honoring their commitment to You, not only in this life, but for millennia to come.

“My Peace I leave with you; my Peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. I give you God’s Peace, which the world cannot give. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid! And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age!” (The Gospel according to John 14:27 and Matthew 28:20)
“Glory to God in the Highest, and Peace on Earth to people [men, women, youth, children, and Spirits, Blessed Souls] of God’s Good Will!”

The traditional Ecumenical Act for Peace takes place every year on October
21st to celebrate Ecumenism Day and the anniversary of the Temple of Peace.

I pay tribute to our dear religious Brothers and Sisters who contributed to the Ecumenical Act for Peace in the Temple of Good Will. As I always say, you cannot improvise Peace. It is the result of a lot of effort, dedication, intelligence, and of integration between humanity on Earth and the Higher Spiritual World.
Hail, the Celestial Benefactors!

With the theme “Jesus, the Divine Liberator,” the Legionary Music Show enchanted the pilgrims present at the TGW and the audience of the Communications 100% Jesus, who watched the live performances.

Congratulations to the Choirs of God’s Good Will on Earth and in the Spiritual World who Divinely sang the Legionary Cantata The vision of the book sealed with the Seven Seals and of the Lamb of God. The Redeeming Apocalypse is beautifully exalted in it by Jesus, our Divine Master and Lord.
Hail, the Jesus, the Ecumenical Christ, the Divine Statesman Academy,² for the LGW’s Spirit and Science World Forum. My gratitude to the distinguished participants who contributed to the theme: “Science and Faith for a Culture of Peace,” and also to the Cultural and Art Exhibition,³ whose theme this year is: “The Ecumenical Flock of Jesus,” as part of the celebrations of the Golden Jubilee of the Proclamation of the Apocalypse of Jesus, which our late Brother Alziro Zarur made on October 1, 1972, in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil.

Pilgrims from several parts of the world in front of the TGW

Hail, the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit!
Hail, the 33 years of the Temple of Good Will!
Hail, the 28 years of the LGW’s ParlaMundi,4 to be celebrated on December 25, 2022.
Hail, the 73 years of the heroic Legion of Good Will (LGW)5 to be celebrated on January 1, 2023.
And finally, I pay tribute to the dear Brothers and Sisters of the LGW of Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Portugal, and of the LGW of the United States, which on Saturday, March 4, 2023, will inaugurate its new Legion of Good Will Educational Center in New Jersey.
My Brothers and Sisters, the LGW’s Pedagogy of Affection and Ecumenical Citizen Pedagogy6 will thrill the world!
I send my heart to all of you.
I bid farewell to you declaring:

Hail, Jesus! Hail, Jesus!
Hail, Jesus, the Divine Liberator!

Temple of Good Will — A monument that was conceived and built by Brother Paiva Netto and founded by him on October 21, 1989, in Brasília, Brazil. The date was chosen in honor of the Founder of the LGW, Brother Alziro Zarur (1914-1979), who at the time had been in the Spiritual Homeland for ten years.

*1 Jesus, o Libertador Divino [Jesus, the Divine Liberator] — Released in Portuguese, this is yet another outstanding book by writer Paiva Netto, an author who has already sold more than 9 million books in Brazil. His publications are translated into several languages ​​and available at the main digital bookstores, where his writings are accessed by thousands of readers around the world.

*2 Jesus, the Ecumenical Christ, the Divine Statesman Academy — Founded by Paiva Netto on February 1, 2007, it comprises the Institute for Study, Research, and Practice of the New Commandment of Jesus and the Institute for Study and Research on the Science of the Soul. With regard to its mission, its creator says: “The purpose of the Jesus, the Ecumenical Christ, the Divine Statesman Academy is to enlighten the ideological (spiritual and human) content of beings of Good Will on Earth and in Earth’s Heaven, in all areas in which they operate, so that their way of expressing themselves and existing is not spiritually empty, and that the Doctrine of Christ, in Spirit and Truth, in light of His ‘Love one another, as I have loved you. Only by this shall all of you be recognized as my disciples’ (the Gospel according to John 13:34 and 35), may fulfill its remarkable task of enlightening and freeing creatures, because the Creator wants no one to perish (Second Epistle of Peter 3:9).”

*3 Cultural and Art Exhibition — Arranged by the Jesus, the Ecumenical Christ, the Divine Statesman Academy, its aim is to spread the doctrinal values ​​of the Religion of the Third Millennium, the Fourth Revelation, through Art with Ecumenical Spirituality. It took place in the Art Gallery of the Temple of Good Will during the month of the monument’s anniversary, which was founded on October 21, 1989. Check out the Cultural and Art Exhibition by visiting: Mostra.AcademiaJesus.com.br

*4 World Parliament of Ecumenical Fraternity — Known as the LGW’s ParlaMundi, it is part of the Ecumenical Complex of the Temple of Good Will in Brasília, Brazil. It was inaugurated by Paiva Netto on December 25, 1994, and devised by him with the aim of reconciling all spiritual and human knowledge in a powerful force at the service of people. The place holds international events, such as the LGW’s Spirit and Science World Forum, which promotes a fraternal dialogue between people of all philosophies, ethnicities, and beliefs, including our atheistic Brothers and Sisters, in order to contribute to the advance of society.

*5 Legion of Good Will — Founded on January 1 (Day of Peace and Universal Brotherhood) in 1950 by the late Brother Alziro Zarur (1914-1979), radio broadcaster, journalist, writer, poet, philosopher, and a great preacher of the Word of God. He brilliantly presided over it until his passage to the Spiritual World on October 21, 1979, being succeeded by Paiva Netto, his main assistant for almost a quarter of a century.

*6 LGW’s Pedagogy of Affection and Ecumenical Citizen Pedagogy — The Legion of Good Will’s Pedagogy, created by educator Paiva Netto, has its own methodology, MAPREI (Learning Method through Rational, Emotional, and Intuitive Research), which is successfully applied in the Organization’s schools and socio-educational services and programs in several countries. The Pedagogy of Affection is used for activities with children up to ten years of age and its successful formula involves nurturing the hearts of the young ones with good values ​​while offering high-quality education, thus including individuals from the most vulnerable age group in the process of their own development. The Ecumenical Citizen Pedagogy is used in elementary and high schools, in Youth and Adult Education, as well as in socio-educational programs the Legion of Good Will offers to individuals from the age of 11 onwards. It provides excellent teaching content, permeated by Ecumenical Spirituality. Among the many good results of this teaching line is the fact that the LGW’s schools have zero dropout rate.





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