Seeking the Cure in the Heavenly Protection

Mary, Mother of Jesus, pray for us, your children! Kneeling, we are grateful for all the blessings we receive on a daily basis. Once again, we ask for your Infinite Love for all humanity! We ask, Oh Mary, Mother of Jesus, for your sacred intervention!
Brother Bezerra de Menezes (Spirit)

Alvino de Barros: In times of great apprehension and suffering, we must remain even more steadfast in our Hope in Jesus, the Ecumenical Christ, the Divine Statesman, and connect ourselves with the Higher Spirituality. This is the right path to follow.

For our comfort and for our learning, we have gathered excerpts from three messages by the noble Spirit Dr. Bezerra de Menezes, the illustrious Coordinator of the World Revolution of the Spirits of Light, in the Fourth Revelation—the Religion of Universal Love. These messages are dated June 29 and December 7 and 14, 2019. They reached us through the mediumship of the Christian of the New Commandment Chico Periotto, in Rio de Janeiro     (Brazil), during meetings of the Universalist Spiritual Center of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, presided over by the President-Preacher of the Divine Religion, Brother José de Paiva Netto.

Here is what the kind doctor from the Spiritual World recommended to us:


Receiving the Luminous Presence of Christ

1) God Is Present!

2) My Greater Brother Paiva Netto, we recommend that all our Legionnaire Brothers and Sisters of God’s Good Will and Christians of the New Commandment study the passage about the Birth of Jesus, in the second chapter of His Holy Gospel according to Luke, which exalts the Everlasting Christmas of Jesus. At this time of the year, hearts are more open and better prepared to receive the Luminous Presence of Christ.

3) Study in depth the teachings of the Gospel-Apocalypse of the Christ and also of His Birth, His Laws, and His Deeds on Earth.

Studying the Ecumenical Prayers 

4) It is our distinguished mission to always talk about Christ and His Gospel-Apocalypse on the radio, on television, on the Internet, in publications, in the Good Will Media: the 100% Jesus Communications. Let us also study the Ecumenical Prayers, which are so important! We need to improve the quality of all hearts and feelings even more. This is what humanity needs: to pray in order to work correctly for the causes of human beings and their Eternal Spirit and for the causes of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit. . . .

5) Let us pray, pray, and pray! Humanity suffers from the lack of prayer. There is general insanity. We need to strengthen the Chain of God’s Good Will, as well as our hearts and thoughts. 

6) Our Greater Brother Paiva Netto brings us jewels, which are his emblematic books; they are apocalyptic and therefore revealing. They can help transform humanity so it can live happier times. . . .


A Plea to the Holy Mary

7) Mary, Mother of Jesus, pray for us, your children! Kneeling, we are grateful for all the blessings we receive on a daily basis. Once again, we ask for your Infinite Love for all humanity! We ask, Oh Mary, Mother of Jesus, for your sacred intervention! . . .

8) Under your blessings, Oh Mother of Jesus, the Meeting of the Universalist Spiritual Center of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete—presided over by our Greater Brother Paiva Netto—brings together the Ecumenical Churches of the Religion of the Third Millennium that are scattered everywhere, its Family Congregations, and the homes of those in need of assistance and who continue praying in the Universal and Ecumenical Chain of our Lord Jesus Christ. Revitalizing fluids are sent to those in need, many of them in an emergency situation, asking our Master for the cure we find in the Heavenly and, therefore, Divine Protection. 

9) Let us direct our thoughts to the most urgent, emergency needs, asking for the support of the Mother of Jesus, along with the Blessed Phalanxes that work, protect, and remain vigilant by all the families that tune in with God’s Good Will. 

10) Blessed is the Super Good Will Communications Network that serves Christ! 


Succeeding in the upcoming years with the Blessings of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit

11) Years of great, great, great work for God’s Good Will Organizations, but also of great Spiritual Protection! May everyone remain steadfast, working hard, and faithful to Jesus and to the Mission of our Greater Brother! This is the message for everyone. All the doors are open so we may succeed under the blessings of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit!

12) The Spiritual Brothers and Sisters send their Fraternal Love to all Brothers and Sisters of God’s Good Will! 

13) Jesus lives in our hearts forever!






Av. Marechal Floriano, 114 • Centro • Rio de Janeiro/RJ20080-002

+55 11 97259-8449
