On the Way to Victory

Brother Dr. Bezerra de Menezes (Spirit)

Triumphing with God, with Christ, and with the Holy Spirit! That is the great goal to be achieved by all of us, and for which we do not lack the encouragement from the Homeland of Truth. This is what we will see in this message from the noble Dr. Bezerra de Menezes, dated December 28, 2013 (Saturday), in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), during a meeting led by the President-Preacher of the Divine Religion, Brother José de Paiva Netto.
The words of our illustrious Spiritual Friend were transmitted through the mediumship of Chico Periotto, Christian of the New Commandment of Jesus Sensitive. Let us read this important message:

The fertile soil of thoughts

1) God Is Present!

2) Yet another year of struggles and victories, of action and contribution coming from the thoughts of the reincarnated and the disincarnated. There is no more fertile soil than our thoughts, the Soul, which animates and invigorates us—the free will that God establishes in the free expression of a just and loving God, a God of Love and of Justice.

3) We are all privileged to know the lessons of the Ethereal, which are abundantly brought to hearts in every way, by every possible means.

The Samaritans of Spiritual Matters

4) Denying the existence of the Spirit is not at all healthy. We respect those who do it, but we warn them that when we arrive in the World of Truth, the Spiritual Homeland, we need schooling, instruction, education, and the development of the correct mediumship, in favor of Good. A refined mediumistic education, worked on through the lessons we receive in the world, on planet Earth, vitalizes the good moment of our encounter with the Truth.

5) Nothing is more real than the Homeland of the Spirits, than the continuity of Eternal Life!

6) Let us proclaim to the maximum the existence of the Spiritual World and its incorruptible Laws to our loved ones, our friends, Brothers, and Sisters, even if they are not related by blood.

7) Let us be Samaritans on Earth more and more: Samaritans, workers, and preachers at the service of the spiritual lessons.

8) We notice that crowds appear in the homes, schools, communities, and squares when we are gathered in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, teaching the greater Good, which is Love, Divine Love.

9) How blessed and necessary is the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit!

10) Bring together even more workers to the vineyard;* summon them to do the multiplication work; make known that Jesus Is Arriving!

11) Do not waste time with banalities. Do not get sidetracked by proposals that are not for expanding the Divine Precepts of the Divine Religion, which consolidates, in the Fourth Revelation, the redeeming message of the Apocalypse of Jesus, the Superior Revelation!

12) This is much more than an invitation. It is a call, a spiritual call, a material call for the Good Will Workers, who are scattered all over, not only in the extensive Brazil, but across planet Earth.

Accomplishing Faith

13) Strengthen your thoughts in this fight to meet the emergency needs of the flesh and of the Spirit, and then our Guardian Brothers and Sisters, the Blessed Guardian Angels, will bring, with the necessary wisdom, the effective balsam for the present moment and for all times, in order to help each supplicant.

14) Faith, Faith, Accomplishing Faith, as our Greater Brother Paiva Netto teaches us and translates via the airwaves of radio, TV, the Internet, and whatever else, and along the paths that restore our physical and spiritual condition. And then matter is fully corrected, and the Spirit is adjusted by spiritual forces.

A masterful spectacle: The Union of the Two Humanities

15) Showers of Light descend, and healing fluids enter your physical vessels in a masterful display of the union of the Humanities [the Spiritual and the material ones], accompanied by the perfume of the pleasure of Life’s essence.

16) Let us all be driven, night and day, by the flame of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the flame of Divine Love.

17) Another year, on Earth’s calendar, comes to an end, and a new one unfolds. And we are all together, present, in the search for every manifestation that leads to victory.

18) Work without cease, pray, and watch, because God’s Spirits renew their bonds and want everyone, without exception, to do the same.

Tributes and victory vibrations

19) To all those who are in your home, Greater Brother Paiva Netto, and to those who will receive this message, I pay tribute to you and send my vibrations for individual victories in the new year that is coming. Our spiritual greeting to all of you!

20) There is nothing, absolutely nothing to conquer that is outside either for the individual or for the collective life—including the Organization. Everything we want to conquer is within us. Everything! Everything! Everything! Nothing, absolutely nothing is out there.

21) If our collaborators increasingly have the Heavenly Conviction in their hearts and in their hardworking Spirits, everything will be shortened, everything will be reduced in the human time of demands, struggles, and sacrifices. This is an integration we cannot relinquish!

22) Jesus knows how difficult it is for us to be here, arrive down here! When we find mediums who can easily receive us, they often capitulate and prefer debauchery. That is why, with your vocation for Generosity, noble Greater Brother, by opening your home to the Spirits of Good, we cannot miss the opportunity to remind everyone of these lessons. It is our role and our commitment!

23) And there is a large team that Jesus sent to Earth to help you with the transition work, because the planet is going to burn. All the Peace agreements signed by human beings are ineffective treaties that, any day now, will be ripped up.

God, the Greatest Stage of Love

24) Trusting in the Heavenly Father, the greatest compound, the greatest elevation of Love, we remember that God is in the entire Universe because He is Love itself materialized. He is the greatest stage of Love, which is the generator of creation, the visibility of Life and its Eternity. All the rest are crooked things that one day will be straightened out by the efforts and work of each of us.

25) I want to thank you, my noble and esteemed Friend and Greater Brother Paiva Netto, for welcoming us into your home.

Conquer yet another year

26) Let us all, united and faithful to God’s Precepts before anything else, united and persevering, let us conquer yet another year with the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ!

27) Fight in the blood and victories in the Spirit and in the matter!

28) To all the spiritual collaborators that surround us here, our vibrations of gratitude.

29) Together, united, we are unbeatable in the Cause of the Divine Master and Lord!

The Sun shines

30) The Sun shines, my Greater Brother! And it continues to shine, as I have always said in all these years of living in the Legionary Astral Atmosphere.

31) Jesus Lives!


* Editors’ note — Here, our Brother Dr. Bezerra de Menezes is referring to the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard, as told by Jesus in His Holy Gospel according to Matthew 20:1 to 16, in which the Divine Master teaches us: “The last will be first, and the first will be last.” To study this in greater depth, read A Missão dos Setenta e o “lobo invisível” [The Mission of the Seventy and the “Invisible Wolf”] (2018), a literary work in which Paiva Netto dedicates a subtitle to this subject. Visit: PaivaNetto.com/en/books





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