31 years of the Temple of Good Will

As seen in the photos, Brother Paiva addresses the pilgrims who tuned in to the TGW’s 31st anniversary celebrations from their homes. At the end of the event, everyone could relieve the emotions felt with the message that Paiva Netto delivered on the 30th anniversary of the Temple of Peace, in October 2019.

Following social distancing protocols, the pilgrimage to the Temple of Good Will was virtual in 2020. Its anniversary, celebrated on October 21, was broadcast by the Super Good Will Communications Network (radio, TV, and the Internet), and the Christians of the New Commandment of Jesus from all over Brazil and abroad watched the event from their homes and reproduced the fraternal mystic rites that people usually perform in the Temple of Peace, in Brasília (Brazil). At the end of the event, Brother Paiva delivered his long-awaited message, which was a blessing for the families.


The celebrations of the 31 years of the Temple of Divine Ecumenism brought a lot of joy and Hope to people’s hearts. Although the new coronavirus pandemic has meant that pilgrimages need to be online, the Sisters and Brothers who love the Temple of Peace have expressed their devotion in various ways and repeated in their own homes the moments of devotion as they have done so many times in person at the TGW. 

The Super Good Will Communications Network helped create in people’s homes the majestic atmosphere of Ecumenical Fraternity they experience in the Temple of Peace. The special, full-day program on October 21 aired the traditional festivities of the monument’s anniversary, expanding this year’s celebrations even more, which had as theme: “Hope never dies!”

The Meeting of the Two Humanities―of the Earth and of Heaven―was established in each home tuned in to the Temple of Good Will’s elevated vibrations that are felt by those who enter into the harmony of Peace and Ecumenical Spirituality provided by this sacred place.

All of the mystic devotion rites that took place in the homes of the Christians of the New Commandment of Jesus were quickly posted on social media, with photos and videos of Sisters and Brothers next to televisions, computers, and cell phones, stretching out their hands to receive blessings from the Sacred Crystal, the Mandala, and the Throne and Altar of God, or from the majestic bronze sculpture representing Jesus, which is located next to the Sacred Fountain of the TGW. Those were moments of great spiritual emotion.

With its cheerful songs and fun dances that exalt the Sacred Gospel, the third edition of the Children’s Musical “The Miracles of Jesus” had the LGW’s Little Soldiers of God and their parents turning their homes into dance floor—a moment of fun and learning.

The Ecumenical Anointing in the Christ of God brought the sublime blessings of the Heavenly Physician into the hearts of families, thus renewing in their Souls the strength to overcome the challenges of everyday life.

The Ecumenical Act for Peace once again raised the banner of concord and respect among peoples, highlighting the sublime connection that exists between religious traditions and areas of knowledge that are dedicated to instilling sacred values into human hearts.

The Legionnaire Music Show, with its beautiful songs that inspire its audience, had its 10th annual performance. Couches became theater seats and families became choirs. This moment was posted all over social media, with everyone repeating in unison “Hope never dies!”—the theme of the show in 2020.

The show led up to the moment people were waiting for: the words of Paiva Netto, the idealizer and builder of the Temple of Good Will. Throughout the program, unforgettable prayers delivered by the President-Preacher of the Divine Religion from three decades of congresses at the Temple of Peace were aired again. They are memories that gave the festive day the socio-spiritual dimension of the most visited monument in Brasília, according to data from the State Secretariat of Tourism of the Federal District.

Brother Paiva’s message for the 30th anniversary of the TGW, in October 2019, was included in the special program. Relieving the scenes of the people crowded into the Peace Square in front of the Pyramid to welcome him was a remarkable moment and reassured that all who persevere in Goodness receive God’s sacred reward, as expressed in the Law of Fraternal Love that rules the Universe.

The pilgrims of the Temple of Peace applauded Brother Paiva once more from their homes with that same feeling of gratitude and admiration. In addition to happily talking to the crowd and reading passages from his book Jesus e a Cidadania do Espírito [Jesus and the Citizenship of the Spirit], which was launched at the event, beautiful songs were performed by the Legionnaire choirs and singers to mark the unforgettable event. 

In a moment of sublime reflection, Brother Paiva made a perfect connection between what was being experienced by the TGW’s pilgrims and what is happening in the world in this challenging year of 2020: “Every day we spiritually build the Temple of Good Will in our hearts. There is no greater glory than this. Believe it! Believe it! Believe it! . . . I am moved by seeing and sensing in you that the Temple of the Divine Ecumenism is being multiplied by millions.” As a way of preparing hearts to overcome adversity, he stressed: “My perseverance comes from Christ and from the dedication of each one of you who is in this crowd that honors me with your presence and of those who follow me on the Good Will Media—on the radio and TV, in my books, publications, and on the Internet. I am proud to have you by my side! All of you; those who dwell on Earth and those who reside in Heaven, for death really does not exist. We are being seen by millions of Spiritual Beings, our loved ones who have already returned to the Great Homeland of Truth, the Spiritual World.”

The 31st anniversary celebrations of the TGW strengthened everyone spiritually. Wherever they were participating from, they will be able to maintain their victorious harmony with the Government of God on Earth, a power that manifests itself in the Temple of Good Will.


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