The Gates of Heaven

Walter Periotto is a journalist and worked as an LGW’s representative in the United States of America in the 1980s.

Let us imagine we went on a trip. Instead of staying in the best hotels, we search for the dirtiest and nastiest places to stay. What should we do when we come back to our clean and well-groomed house? We need to get rid of all the mud from our bodies and get clean. 

Well, the house we are always returning to is our real home: the Spiritual World. The city we visited is the Earth. Now, choosing the cleanest or dirtiest places to stay, while we are incarnated, is a matter of free will. The purgatory is a place where we can clean and purify ourselves, if necessary, before we enter Heaven. But there are many Spirits that, for years, even centuries, unfortunately, stay there, purging the ills they have accumulated, since the dirt is not external—it is in the mind of each person. And many times the person has to reincarnate to keep purging.

The Divine Religion explains that we are the ones who build Heaven and hell by way of our actions, because they are the reflection of what we have in our Souls. And everything starts in our thoughts. So, if human beings have bad thoughts and actions, what would they expect? The Divine Justice does not fail. Jesus made it clear in His Holy Gospel: “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (The Gospel according to Matthew 26:41)

The Spiritual Brother Flexa Dourada usually says that, “Thought is a channel.” So, if a person spends their entire life doing the wrong thing, living surrounded by bad energies, when they arrive at the other side, it is only fair that they will come across the same vibrational ambiance. The Divine Master left this lesson for all beings living both in Heaven and on Earth: “He will reward each person according to what they have done.” (The Gospel according to Matthew 16:27)

We came to Earth to live our lives in a right way, with our family, always being citizens of Goodness. The Heavenly Father did not send His children to the world to suffer or cause any pain. We came to sow Love, and that starts in our home, when we look after our parents, brothers and sisters, husband or wife, children, neighbors, and so on. But the person who hardens the heart on evil already starts channeling hell inside of them. Living for Goodness is the most beautiful option in life.

But we do not want to scare anyone. It is just a word of advice. Let us follow  prophet Isaiah (55:6) when he said: “Seek the Lord while He may be found, call Him while He is near.”

Therefore, we are in full agreement with the distinguished Brother Dr. Bezerra de Menezes (Spirit), who, through the mediumship of the Legionnaire Brother Chico Periotto, told us that, “Purgatory is also Charity.” Brother José de Paiva Netto presents this quote in many publications, showing that God does not punish anyone, but His Law of Justice and Mercy does not let us make mistakes eternally. Brother Paiva also opened Ecumenical Churches of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, which he calls “Schools of Spiritual Education and Enlightenment, with its doors open to everyone.” And he always reminds us to say a prayer before going to bed. That is why we dedicate this touching prayer by Brother Alziro Zarur (1914-1979):

Spiritual Vigilance Prayer (Night Prayer)

Alziro Zarur (1914-1979)

Founder of the Legion of Good Will (LGW)


Lord Jesus, 

may the glorious Phalanx 

of Saint Francis of Assisi, 

Patron of the Divine Legion of Good Will, protect my Spirit, 

not only my body, 

while I sleep. 

Should I be attacked by evil, 

may I be capable of 

fighting back instantly. 

But I beg for Your merciful protection 

in the name of the Father, 

the Son, 

and the Holy Spirit.



Jesus Lives!





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+55 11 97259-8449
