Jesus, the Divine Light that Casts no Shadown

José de Paiva Netto
is a Brazilian writer, journalist, radio broadcaster, composer, and poet. He is the President-Preacher of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit.

Starting with this issue, our esteemed readers of the JESUS IS ARRIVING! magazine will have the privilege of reading on its blessed pages a series of circular letters addressed by the President-Preacher of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, José de Paiva Netto, to the Christians of the New Commandment of Jesus. They were written during his apostolic trips across Brazil and abroad. The veteran Legionnaire of the Good Will of God Victorino Baccari Sobrinho (1928-1992), from Campinas (Brazil), who was an enthusiastic reader of the great spiritual-ecumenical content of these immortal lessons, used to call them Epistles of Good Will. They are included in the original manuscripts of Paiva Netto’s forthcoming book Diário de um Cristão do Novo Mandamento de Jesus [Diary of a Christian of the New Commandment of Jesus], a title suggested by Emmanuel Adolfo Rueda de Paiva, member of the Ecumenical Youth of Good Will. In its enlightening pages, we will be able to feel the deep spiritual connection of the leader of the Religion of the Third Millennium with matters relating to Christ, his daily perseverance in taking the Divine Message of the Cross to the world while strengthening the Accomplishing Faith of all Christians of the New Commandment. Therefore, there is no better way of starting this series of publications than with a document that tells us about the Sacred Task of the Legionnaires of God.
Sixty-three years ago, on a memorable September 7th, 1959 [Brazilian Independence Day], a crowd that had gathered in Campinas witnessed one of the most important moments in the history of humankind: Brother Alziro Zarur (1914-1979) made the Proclamation of the New Commandment of Jesus. The setting was the old Bonfim Hippodrome, now Legion of Good Will Square, which at the time was the largest public space there, capable of receiving the crowd that had come from several parts of the country to see the late radio broadcaster from Rio de Janeiro promote the Spiritual Independence of Brazil and of the world, based on the luminous biblical verses that until then had gone unnoticed in the Holy Book: “Love one another, as I have loved you. Only by this shall all of you be recognized as my disciples” (The Gospel of Jesus according to John 13:34 and 35).
To celebrate such an unforgettable event, we transcribe a historical circular letter written by the President-Preacher of the Divine Religion on December 7th, 1987, at 1:26 in the morning, in São Paulo (Brazil). In it, Brother Paiva summons the Legionnaires of Good Will and Christians of the New Commandment to fearlessly follow the One who soothes all pain and personifies the meaning of our existence, the Divine Light that does not cast shadows: Jesus! With the banner of the Supreme Order of Christ raised high, illuminating consciences on Earth and in Heaven, we shall overcome, with the Beloved Master, all the tribulations that life presents us with.
Enjoy your reading!
The Editors

My Sisters, Brothers, and Friends who are gathered in the Ecumenical Churches of the Religion of Universal Love,

God Is Present!
Jesus Is Arriving!

In the vast and all-encompassing Gathering of Our Lord Jesus Christ on planet Earth, the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit and the Legion of Good Will are our apostolate.
I acknowledge the personal sacrifices and intimate sufferings of each of you. But you are happy, because the true disciples of our Divine Friend Jesus follow the narrow road that leads to the narrow door (Luke 13:24) with their eyes fixed on the extraordinary Beacon of Light of His Ideal, and that is enough for them. You know well who that Light that does not cast shadows is. In these apocalyptic times, however, which will reward “each person according to what they have done” (Matthew 16:27)—from those who are governed to those governing, from the faithful to the priest, and from the subordinate to the chief—it is my duty to always repeat to you His Sublime Name: Jesus!

A partial view of the crowd greeting Alziro Zarur at the old Bonfim Hippodrome (now called Legion of Good Will Square), in Campinas (Brazil), during the Proclamation of the New Commandment of Jesus, on September 7th, 1959.

Pain — the Great Master of the hard-hearted

Listen, and listen carefully: Never tire of following the Divine Light. Again: Never tire of following It. If you do, you will be treading the dark paths that lead to the abysses of Pain. The Great Master of the hard-hearted presents itself to humanity, for it is summoned by the very humanity, for the final lesson that must be given to earthly beings without fail at the end of this apocalyptic cycle.

Apostolic challenge

Sursum corda! Sursum corda! — Lift up your hearts! Lift up your hearts!
Always remember that close to your Soul there are countless Spiritual Friends, Brothers, and Sisters of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit and of the Legion of Good Will from Above, that is, from the Higher Astral, from the Glorious Phalanx of Saint Francis of Assisi. They incessantly cooperate through pure zeal with the fulfillment of your most noble spiritual duties to Brazil and humanity.
Never forget that you were chosen by the Lord of the Earth, Jesus, who sent you in this incarnation to the blessed soil of this country as pioneers of a better world because He trusted you. For this reason, He is still watching you with the care of a Father, a Father who is constantly willing to extend His Holy Hands to the loved ones of His Spirit at times of apostolic struggle.

Spiritual infrastructure

The ultimate torment that was foretold since the Old Testament of the Holy Bible is approaching nations.
You should fear nothing, nothing whatsoever! Continue your work. I know that you spiritually understand your immense responsibility, from the youngest of the LGW’s Little Soldiers of God to the oldest Legionnaire of the Good Will of Christ. Yes, those of the Good Will of Christ!
The sowing of the Religion of Universal Love and of the LGW, since their late founder, Brother Zarur―who has always been present among us―started the work, has increased so much that it encourages our hearts, despite the fact that you still have a lot to accomplish. It is your commitment. The structure is there, the infrastructure too, built on the Firm Rock that is Jesus, the Spiritual Infrastructure!

Paiva Netto, next to the monument honoring the 50th anniversary of the Proclamation of the New Commandment of Jesus in Campinas/SP, Brazil (1959-2009).

The task of the millennia: to rekindle the flame of Christ’s Christianity

Keep in your hearts, your generous hearts, these words from someone who loves you: You know your mission on Earth—to rekindle the flame of Christ’s Christianity over the whole planet. Your task is not limited by country borders, or prejudices, or taboos, or dogmas that have retarded the march of people for thousands of years. Spread the Christianity of the New Commandment of Jesus—“Love one another, as I have loved you. Only by this shall all of you be recognized as my disciples” (The Holy Gospel according to John 13:34 and 35)―with all its significance and all its purity, throughout the world. That is your mission. Doing this by all possible means and in all possible ways is easy, but go for the impossible―this is what dignifies you: To propagate, in all its divine essence and honor, the Christianity of the New Commandment of Jesus, the Law of Spiritual, Human, Social, and Universal Solidarity. Therefore, a Law that is also scientific, religious, sporting, philosophical, political, artistic, and musical. That is, take the Supreme Order of Our Lord not only to the religious field, I repeat, but also to the philosophical, scientific, political, artistic, sporting, and musical fields, in short, everywhere, and do so courageously. The Ecumenical Youth of Good Will, the LGW’s Little Soldiers of God, and the Christians of the New Commandment of Jesus have no doubt about that. All you have to do is read the poems and commandments of the Legionnaires of God,*¹ which are specific for each age group. You should all study them with devotion.
Keep in your hearts, I repeat, these words from someone who loves you: You know your mission on Earth. You have it deeply marked in your Spirits. It is your seal that prevents you from receiving the mark of the anti-Christ. Prepare the way for the Triumphal Return of the Christ of God, dedicating yourselves to the emergence, as soon as possible, of “one Flock and one Shepherd” (Good News according to John 10:16)—who is Jesus. This is your task, and it demands total dedication! You have been preparing yourselves for this for millennia. Yes, no one is in the LGW by chance, nor in the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit.
So, once again, keep in your hearts these words from someone who loves you: Do you want to honorably succeed in your Legionary task of the Good Will of God in the world? Do you want that? Speak to the hearts! This is something I emphasize: Speak to the hearts rather than to the intelligence! You should note this teaching of Eastern wisdom. It says:

“Put Love in your words and even the animals will understand you.”*²

Remember this, but do not think you should not act with energy, because having Love does not mean being in connivance with error. I never taught you that. Because although humility is fraternal, it is above all courageous!

Treasures in Heaven

Children of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit and of the LGW!, pay attention to this: Do not covet what is superfluous. On the contrary, fill your satchel with the spiritual and moral values that will make you indestructible:

“Store up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will also be.”
Jesus (Matthew 6:20 and 21)

These are the goods that beautify the heart of the Sublime Benefactor, which He wants to give to you, so that you can survive among those who will raise the society of the future from the ruins, supported by the Holy Gospel and by the Redeeming Apocalypse of the Ecumenical Christ, the Divine Statesman.

Highlighted, a detail of the plaque identifying the Legion of Good Will Square, which was inaugurated in 2001 in the place where the old Bonfim Hippodrome was once located, the stage of the historic Proclamation made by Alziro Zarur.

Jesus: the most powerful Beacon of Light

As the ever-remembered Proclaimer of the Divine Religion, Brother Alziro Zarur, used to always remind us, the Gospel and the Apocalypse are the most powerful weapons in the world; they do not kill, they just eliminate the evil that exists in men, women, children, young people, and the elderly, and give true life back to them. You have in your hands, therefore, this Undefeatable Arsenal, which was consigned in the Greatest Law of Love from the Supreme Ruler of our planet, Jesus.
Strengthen your character, Legionnaires of Good Will and Christians of the New Commandment, Friends of Jesus—adults, young people, and children. Do not be afraid of the great turmoil that is approaching the world.
Jesus is the most powerful Beacon of Light that indicates the safe channel to the careful and brave navigator, a channel that is free from submerged sharp rocks and other deadly surprises.
May the Peace of God dwell in your homes now and forever!
Have courage, my people! Courage!
Let us move on because God Is Present! And Jesus Lives in our Hearts Forever!
I sign with Fraternal Love in my heart

José de Paiva Netto
Servant of the Friends of God

A weapon that does not kill

Paiva Netto recounts: “I remember that while I was still a student at the Pedro II School in Rio de Janeiro, I took some administrative work files from the LGW’s social service center, which was managed at the time by the late Dr. Osmar Carvalho e Silva (1912-1975), a great Brazilian and Legionnaire of Good Will. And I was in Brother Alziro Zarur’s office, at Mundial Radio, when a Holy Bible arrived as a gift from the spiritualist writer, whom Brother Zarur started calling Martha of God, from Rio Grande do Sul. He took hold of the book in front of Dr. Osmar, Sylvio Gomes—who was Gomes Filho’s brother, a distinguished journalist from Rio de Janeiro, a friend of Zarur, and whom I also had the honor of meeting—and me and he exclaimed: ‘My God, I have in my hands the greatest weapon in the world: the Holy Bible. It is stronger than all atomic bombs!’ I was a boy at the time, always a bold one, and I said: and it is a weapon that does not kill! To which he replied: ‘Exactly.’


Poems and Commandments of the Legionnaires of God — The late Proclaimer of the Divine Religion, Alziro Zarur (1914-1979), presented the Christians of the New Commandment of Jesus of all ages with beautiful poems and commandments. You can find “The Ten Commandments of the Men and Women of Good Will” and “The Commandments of the Legionary Youth and of the Little Soldiers of God,” of the LGW, in the third volume of the Sagradas Diretrizes Espirituais da Religião de Deus, do Cristo e do Espírito Santo [Sacred Spiritual Guidelines of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit] (1991).

*² In A Missão dos Setenta e o “lobo invisível” [The Mission of the Seventy and the “Invisible Wolf”] (2018), Paiva Netto transcribes a timely lesson about the subject, inspired by Saint Francis of Assisi (approx. 1181-1226). It is: The Wolf of Gubbio.





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